The thunderous collision of civil activism and marketing
Civil activism and marketing make for uncomfortable yet unavoidable partners. Mark Schaefer and Brooke Sellas discuss this thunderous trend.
With a spicy blend of good fun and powerful insight, The Marketing Companion has been the world’s most entertaining business podcast for more nearly a decade!
Mark Schaefer is a globally-recognized marketing author, futurist, college educator, consultant, and keynote speaker. Every other week, Mark brings one of his “marketing companions” alongside him to do a deep dive into the trends of today that forge the marketing innovations of tomorrow.
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Civil activism and marketing make for uncomfortable yet unavoidable partners. Mark Schaefer and Brooke Sellas discuss this thunderous trend.
On the new episode of The Marketing Companion, Mathew Sweezey and I tackle 15 popular marketing trends in 45 minutes. Going into a new year, we each weigh in on […]
There is a weird relationship between creativity and money. In fact, it’s probably not what you think at all.
The Marketing Companion goes off-road and discusses mental survival and finding hope in the darkness with Amanda Russell.
Marketing habits can make or break a marketing effort. It’s time to explore this idea.
A million new social media jobs? Dennis Yu thinks this is probable and possible
Online community is the most misunderstood concept in marketing. Here’s why.
Find out how content works in the world today through this fascinating debate.
Influencers and retail stores will have a symbiotic new relationship according to this futurist.
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