Schaefer Marketing Solutions: We Help Businesses {grow}

Should we have multiple company bloggers?

It takes a lot of work to have a company blog and your approach is not a decision to be taken lightly.  Your blogging strategy will have a powerful impact on the direction of your entire social media effort.

Some of the best blogs in the world have evolved to support a number of corporate strategies.  And that’s where you need to start — assess the strategy, resources. culture, and capabilities of your company.  It’s almost trite to say “start with strategy” but it is ESSENTIAL and will save you a lot of pain later.  Let’s look at the implications of this decision by comparing three different corporate blogging strategies:

The multiple blogger strategy

A team of bloggers contributes content, with or without attribution.



The single blogger strategy

One person is the “face of the company.”



Hybrid approaches

Multiple, single bloggers — IBM has more than 50 blogs featuring individual superstar scientists and engineers. It is the best of both worlds since it features multiple voices but also creates emotional bonds with individuals.

Blogs segmented by market — An emerging best practice is to have multiple company blogs aimed at different demographics. These may use a combination of individuals and teams depending on the market.

Turn the blog over to stakeholders — Patagonia, Starbucks, and Fiskars famously use customers as their bloggers. This can create compelling content, external validation for your brand message, and a great opportunity for engagement.

The {grow} model — That would be me.  I offer a variety of content options in a format that could also be adopted by larger and more complex companies.  Here is my mix:

Of course there are lots of other options and approaches and I’d love to hear your take on this in the comment section. What’s working, or not working, for you?

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