A lot of people are ga-ga over the “social enterprise,” a nirvana state where every employee is a brand advocate blissfully tweeting and posting on behalf of the company each day.
Obviously this is far-off dream for many organizations, and perhaps not even desirable (gasp).
The issue came to the forefront again last week when the web blew up over possible legislation in the state of South Carolina banning the use of social media in the workplace. Outrageous you say? Unheard of? Dystopian?
You might be surprised to know I agree with the legislation, and after Tom Webster heard my argument, he changed his mind and agreed, too. Luckily, we have the whole conversation recorded on our podcast this week.
We also have a lively discussion of the best and worst Super Bowl ads … and we have some pretty divergent views!
Ready to listen to another awesome adventure with The Marketing Companion? Let’s do this!
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