Many of you have asked me about my relationship with a boy named Elijah. For the last 15 years, I’ve posted an occasional picture of the two of us together and some have wondered how we’re related.
I ran the Christmas story that follows in 2010 and it was called “The boy who wanted a door for Christmas.” The photo above ran with the original story … Elijah was about 10 in this picture. Today I’ll connect the dots for you through a tale that is worth re-telling …
In the spirit of the holiday season, I would like to tell you a little Christmas story.
For the past three years, I’ve mentored a bright young boy named Elijah. Elijah is growing up in small, crowded house with his three brothers and a sister (all by different fathers — none of them are around). There is also an unrelated 12-month-old baby from another unwed mother being raised in this household.
I started working with Elijah through an organization called Amachi, which pairs adult role models with at-risk kids who have at least one parent in prison. Elijah’s father was murdered when he was two. His mother was serving several years in a federal penitentiary when I became involved with the family.
Sometimes it’s frustrating to love Elijah so much because he is in such a challenging situation. Last year, the house next door to his was raided for drugs. Another day, he was telling me about a cousin who was stabbed 20 times and died. Last year a relative took him on “a walk” and then abandoned him alone in the middle of the city, five miles from his house (without money or a cell phone).
When I hear about these things, I feel helpless. Really the only thing I can do is support him and teach him how to make good decisions. When I started working with him when he was just seven, he asked me if I would teach him how to be a man. I think about that every single time I see him and I am determined to do that.
With Christmas approaching, he is excited like every other kid. When I asked him what he wanted for Christmas, he got shy and started drawing a square in the air. We often play little guessing games like this so I tried to guess what kind of a box he was making with his fingers.
“Is it an X-Box?” I asked.
He shook his head no.
“A Playstation? Is it a special kind of racing game that comes in a box?”
Again, he shook his head no. Finally, I had to give up. I had no idea what he was trying to tell me.
“It’s a door,” he said. “Just a door.”
Now you might want to know why a 10-year-old kid would want a door for Christmas. With his house so jam-packed with people, Elijah is sleeping in a dining area next to a living room. Because the dining area has no door, he is awake all night from the sounds of the television and anything else that might be going on with the various adults who might be in the house. So he wants a door so he can go to sleep.
Well, obviously if he needs a door, I am going to get him a door. But here is where I would like to ask for your help.
There are so many other children in need who do not have a mentor to help them with their homework, teach them how to be a man (or woman), or install a door so an awesome child can get some sleep.
Here’s what I want you to consider: I’m here for you every day. I’ve written more than 3,000 blog posts and have never asked for a single favor. If you love me, if you love this blog and this community, please think about becoming a mentor to a worthy kid in your community.
It’s not just lending a hand, it’s being the hand. And it will change your life.
Update: In the original post from 2010 I included a “donate” button and we raised $6,000 for the charity that paired me and Elijah. And of course, Elijah got his door.
Today Elijah is nearly 21. We’ve been through a lot together but we’re family and we stick together. Rebecca and I have more or less adopted the entire family and try to do what we can to help them get by.
Elijah is an elite athlete and received a full scholarship to play football at the University of Missouri. Here is a photo of us together in 2021. We’re still going strong.
Follow Mark on Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram.