Schaefer Marketing Solutions: We Help Businesses {grow}

The essential guide to building your business through Twitter search

 twitter search

By Mark W. Schaefer

Many business professionals believe the Twitter search function is the most powerful tool for marketing insight ever created.

If you search Google, Bing or Yahoo, your results will be articles, videos, and websites. But if you search Twitter, the results are real-time conversations. And you can learn a lot from tapping into conversations!

Used effectively, Twitter search can be an essential tool for discovery and marketing research. And people are catching on — there are nearly 3 billion search queries performed on Twitter every day!

The basics of search are extremely easy to master. You can insert any name, phrase or hashtag in the search box at the top of the profile page and find some useful results.

But to really unlock the power of content on Twitter, it’s useful to know some advanced search operators. You can dramatically improve your search results by typing these directions directly into the search box.

Typing this: Show you tweets that:
lang:en Are only in the language “english”
funny movies Contains both “funny” and “movies.” This is the default operator.
“Steelers win” Contains the exact phrase “Steelers win”
man OR woman Contains either “man” or “woman” (or both).
Steelers-football Contains “Steelers” but not “football”
#Steelers Contains the hashtag “#Steelers
from:markwschaefer Were sent from person “markwschaefer”
to:markwschaefer Were sent to person “markwschaefer”
@markwschaefer Referencing person “markwschaefer”
“Chinese restaurant” near:”chicago” Contains the exact phrase “Chinese restaurant” and sent near “chicago”
near:NYC within:15mi were sent within 15 miles of “NYC”
“Chinese restaurant” since:2013-07-30 Contains phrase “Chinese restaurant and sent since date “2013-07-30? (year-month-day)
“Steelers” -attend : ) Contains phrase “Steelers” but not “attend” with a positive sentiment
flight : ( Contains the word “flight” with a negative sentiment
Flight ? Contains the word “flight” and tweet is asking a question.
hilarious filter:links Contains the word “hilarious” and linking to a URL

More Search Tips

  1. Keep your search as simple as possible. More complex searches miss more tweets.
  2. There is often more than one variation of popular hashtags (for example, #FollowFriday and #ff mean the same thing).
  3. Sometimes a search won’t show you older tweets, because there are too many results. Consider doing one or more searches using the before: and since: date operators.

It is also a good idea to save common searches to save time typing in this search every day. Twitter allows you to save searches, but I find it most helpful to turn to a third party platform because you can save a search and it shows up as a constantly-updating column of tweets in your stream. This can be a valuable source of leads, ideas, and insight as conversations unfold minute-by-minute.

There are limitless possibilities to the ways you can combine these advanced search operators to help your business. Think about using advanced search techniques to discover:

A case study

Here is just a small illustration of the potential. I just did a simple search for people in my hometown (pop. 600,000) talking about pizza. There is at least one mention of pizza every 20 minutes, on average, and the rate is higher during lunch and dinner time. Remember, the beauty of Twitter is that tweets are public so the search results are not just for the people you are following. These are results from every single person meeting your search criteria.

Here is a sample of local, pizza-related tweets in my city over a four-hour period. If you owned a pizza place in this town, what business benefits could you derive by discovering people publishing the following tweets:

Together, we could probably brainstorm some interesting business tactics from following this stream of tweets on an hourly basis. Some of the business opportunities  might include:

So you see even a small, family-owned pizza parlor could create transformational business benefits simply by paying attention to what people are saying on the  Twitter stream. I hope you’ll experiment with these advanced search options and find ways to grow your business!

Mark Schaefer is the chief blogger for this site, executive director of Schaefer Marketing Solutions, and the author of several best-selling digital marketing books. He is an acclaimed keynote speaker, college educator, and business consultant.The Marketing Companion podcast is among the top business podcasts in the world. Contact Mark to have him speak to your company event or conference soon.

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