I am the marketing professional I am today because of the influence of a great many wonderful leaders:
- Philip Kotler’s seminal textbook made me want to be a marketer.
- Peter Drucker was my teacher and mentor for three years and had a huge impact on my life.
- An early boss in my career, Jim Ferry, taught me principled marketing leadership.
- In terms of modern thought leadership Martin Lindstrom, Ted Wright, Seth Godin are big.
- On the social media scene, Gini Dietrich, Jay Baer, Mitch Joel, and Chris Brogan have been tremendous influences.
I thought this would be an interesting topic to explore on The Marketing Companion with a special guest Kerry Gorgone. Of course you’re familiar with Kerry, who has written for {grow} since 2012. But Kerry can also offer a unique perspective on marketing titans as host of the Marketing Smarts podcast where she has interviewed more than 300 thought leaders.
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Many thanks to our friend Scott Monty for the awesome show intro. Be sure to check out his amazing newsletter The Full Monty and his new podcast available here: fullmontyshow.com.
Illustrations courtesy Unsplash.com