Schaefer Marketing Solutions: We Help Businesses {grow}

How you can use Cumulative Advantage to build unstoppable momentum

cumulative advantage

My new book has arrived: Cumulative Advantage: How to Build Momentum for your Ideas, Business and Life Against All Odds

Some early reviews are in:

“After I read this book, I stayed up all night thinking about it.”

“Cumulative Advantage will be Mark Schaefer’s legacy to the world.”

“I’m so inspired. This book is coming to me at the perfect time. Oh my goodness.”

But today, I want to explain why Cumulative Advantage could be right for you (and offer you some crazy deals at the end of the post!).

I respect your time and your faith in me, so before you buy this book, you deserve to know — “What’s in it for me?”

I had only one goal with this project — It had to be my best book ever. It had to be bold and beautiful and deliver value on every page. I believe I have achieved that.

Here is an animated explanation of the book:

I think everybody will take something different from the book, but “Cumulative Advantage” answers three primary questions:

1. How can you stand out?

When you get down to it, business today is about answering one question: “How can we be heard?” How can we rise above the din of infinite options to create sustainable meaning with an audience or group of customers?

Let’s be honest. Your content, social media plan, and SEO strategy probably aren’t enough any more. Even “being great” is not enough today. The world is stacked against us in so many ways. We need a new path and this book provides an alternative — momentum.

Specifically, you will learn:

This book does not deliver just “information.” It provides new insights you have not experienced anywhere else.

2. What is your source of Cumulative Advantage?

There has been a lot of sociological research on how people create momentum but it’s never really been applied to normal people and businesses before. As you will learn, Cumulative Advantage is happening with you or without you, so you need to get on board.

Through inspiring case studies and life stories, I’ll show you how real people go from zero to hero in a practical, actionable way. What are the dynamics of momentum that you can put to profitable use right now?

This is a book of boundless hope — there is nothing in Cumulative Advantage that is not accessible and “doable” for any reader.

By the way, if you loved my book KNOWN, you will adore this book! Sort of “KNOWN” part 2 in a way.


3. How can you succeed … on your own terms?

I am not a fan of the “hustle” lifestyle. In fact, I’ve seen first-hand how it can destroy lives.

An idea woven throughout this book is ikigai — finding the right blend of success and lifestyle. This is the anti-hustle book. Let’s succeed, achieve, and work hard. But let’s use research and science to create a plan to get ahead and have a rewarding life while doing it!

Cumulative Advantage will inspire you!

If you’re a fan of my writing, you know that there is no fluff or filler in anything I publish. I respect you too much to waste your time. I don’t even have any blurbs or testimonies in the book. I just get right to the point!

So you know that you’ll get value out of every single page. You’ll learn, you’ll be inspired, and I think you’ll even laugh out loud a time or two. This is the most personal book I’ve written and the most gut-wrenching as well. At the end of the book, I tear open my heart as you’ve never seen before.

Here is my promise to you. If you read Cumulative Advantage, you’ll never see the world the same way again. A bold statement … and a confident one.

Here’s a video summary of the book from my friends at Food Fight Studios:


I hope you’ll buy this book today. Cumulative Advantage is available in hardcover, paperback, and Kindle (an Audible audio version will be available any day now). You can purchase the book HERE.

Bold offer one: Due to COVID concerns, you probably can’t hand out this book to your friends and employees. For direct orders of 10 or more, I will mail this book to the homes of anybody who would love this book. I’ll do the work for you and deliver books securely to your friends and colleagues.

Bold offer two: For the first THREE direct orders I receive of 25 books or more, I will send you a unique, original, signed, joyful watercolor painting like this one:

Yes, that’s right. I will paint this for just you. This vibrant, gorgeous scene will make you smile every time you look at it.

Bold offer number three: For any direct order of 50 books or more, I will create this painting for you and deliver either an entertaining one-hour online talk / Q&A session to your team or a private one-on-one coaching session.

Please contact me about these special deals!

I know you will love this book. Thanks for your support everyone!

Mark Schaefer is the executive director of Schaefer Marketing Solutions. He is the author of several best-selling digital marketing books and is an acclaimed keynote speaker, college educator, and business consultant.  The Marketing Companion podcast is among the top business podcasts in the world. Contact Mark to have him speak to your company event or conference soon.


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