15 of the 36 people who wrote “The Most Amazing Marketing Book Ever”
The general premise of content marketing is simple: Create content that is so compelling, interesting, entertaining, and/or useful that it attracts relevant customers. If you do that consistently over a period of time, you can build an audience or base of fans that might support your business, non-profit, university, or whatever organization you have. Creating consistent content on a website is also the single-most powerful contribution to search engine optimization (SEO).
There have been millions of words, years of videos, and piles of podcasts devoted to the art and science of this subject.
But I’ve been part of what may be the craziest content marketing experiment ever: 36 brands come together to create ONE massive piece of content … and live to tell about it!
In the latest episode of The Marketing Companion podcast, I host three people who helped me write, edit, and produce The Most Amazing Marketing Book Ever, one of the most incredible achievements in publishing history.
Can you imagine the complexity of organizing 36 authors into a schedule to write, narrate and promote a book? How do you connect disparate author topics into a useful and cohesive book? How do you connect people from 10 nations, 15 time zones and unify them into a single voice?
And perhaps the biggest challenge … how do we do this in a way that is something I am proud to publish under my own name?
The story you are about to hear on this podcast episode is not about a book, it is about a content marketing miracle.
It’s about 36 strangers uniting to achieve one life dream: write a book.
If you’re lucky enough to own a copy of the book, you already know that you’ve never seen anything like this before. If you own the audiobook, you possess a true wonder.
People are singing about the book. They are even jumping out of airplanes with it.
But all this is just the tip of the iceberg. Tune into the show today and hear the inspiring back story of The Most Amazing Marketing Book Ever.
Also, at the end of this show, you’ll get two free chapters of the audiobook! My gift to you.
Let’s get on with the show:
Click to hear episode 275
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