By Mark Schaefer
My theme this week is “strategy” and I would like to examine one of the biggest strategy-related problems I encounter with clients.
Last week I was approached by a man who wanted me to help re-position his company’s ineffective website.
I asked him if he had a marketing strategy and he said, “no.” And, after telling me that he didn’t have strong data on his customer base and couldn’t name how he was differentiating his product, it was clear that he didn’t.
When I suggested that he step back and do some work on a marketing strategy BEFORE plowing money into a website, he resisted … “No,” he said, “We just want a website.”
Now I ask you – If your website isn’t working now, how will it be working any better if you don’t revise the strategy behind it?
A website is not a strategy
Ladies and gentleman, your website is NOT your marketing strategy. If you can’t communicate what you do and what customer needs and wants you serve, you’re probably wasting a lot of advertising money.
Every business – no matter how small – needs a marketing strategy BEFORE they have a website!
What do you think? Have you had similar experiences? What happens when a website goes live without a strategy?