There is a steady drumbeat of bad news about content marketing …
- The output of content per brand increased by 78 percent in one year, but content engagement decreased by 60 percent at the same time.
- On social networks, brand-generated content is seeing the lowest engagement rates now than any other time. BuzzSumo reported that even the best content creators are seeing dramatic declines in social referrals.
- 50 percent of professionally-marketed blog posts receive fewer than eight social shares.
- Content Marketing Institute, the relentless cheerleader for all things content, reported in their new research that satisfaction with the measurable results of content marketing slipped from 38 percent to 30 percent in just a year.
A TrackMaven report concluded that a majority of professional marketing content fails to have an impact and calls this “the darkest picture to date of content marketing.”
BuzzSumo’s analytics genius Steve Rayson recently wrote:
Whilst in earlier years it was possible that if you produced good content it would get found and shared, almost by virtue of its quality, this is no longer the case. There is now so much content that even producing great content is not enough.
But despite the gloom, here is a fundamental truth: Content Marketing works. Which of course is part of the problem.
In fact, the more it works, the more people invest in content. The more content, the more competition. The more competition, the more it costs to compete just to maintain the gains … and this is exactly what we’re seeing in the marketplace right now.
The trick is adjusting to these new realities. How do we overcome that level of information density? How do we assign value to our work? And how do we produce content that rises above the noise?
That is the topic of our new podcast episode and one that will surely make you think and perhaps it will even cheer you up in the midst of all this gloomy news. There is a path forward, but we need to adjust to these new realities instead of denying them. Here’s how:
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