I don’t think there is any more important battleground for marketing today than the effort to form relevant new customer connections. Traditional connections are being threatened on every front:
- Loss of online tracking data
- Stricter privacy regulations
- Inability to properly staff call centers due to labor shortages
- Surge in customer complaints due to supply chain disruptions
- Historic transition to online interactions amplified by the pandemic
On the new Marketing Companion episode, Brooke Sellas (overcoming COVID!) and I explore how new opportunities for “conversations” can spark new marketing opportunities. We look at:
- How customer care is a new “seam” of opportunity for marketers
- The fascinating social psychology of conversations that leads to customer intimacy
- The role of AI in customer care today and in the metaverse?
- Why most marketers are grossly overlooking the link between customer conversations and sales
This is a great show full of new ideas and original insights. Click here to enjoy it all:
Click on this link to listen to hear Episode 243
More information on the topics covered in this show:
Information on Brooke’s new book
Mark’s book Marketing Rebellion
Philip Kotler interview on The Marketing Book podcast
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