Hall of Fame!

“How Humans Win in an AI Marketing World”

Hall of Famers Solved the book puzzle!

David Baer

Maxima G.

Marc Simons

Larry George

Sonny Smith

Audacious Lover

Mary Ann Daley

Tommy T.

F1 Agency

Aubrey Berger

Anna Scanlon

Regis McCormack

Melanie Gonzalez

Chad Parizman

Brian Piper

Jim MacLeod

Mara Hartmann

Park Howell

Bob Ohli

Zack Seipert

Lisa Answorth

Frank Prendergast

AL Boyle

Tim Trotta

Iris van Ooyen

Gary Duncan

Douglas Burdett

Rob LaLacheur

Iris Seng

Win Johnson

Matt Wilkinson

Tony Smith

Sandee Rodriguez

Louise Griffiths

Ezra Young

Stacey Stearns

Yoli Dick

Tina Boehm

Kyle Akerman

Michael Roberts

Ricky Casey

Jan Zlotnick

Linda Rolf

Cindy Gutta

Fannie Theofanidou

Amy Grantier

Austin Wise

Drew Loewen

Tim Wender

Jacob Pannell

James Walsh

Sue Brettell

Dale Green

Ruth White Cabbell

Deb Wigley

Amy Fortuna

Paul Hodge

Renee McIntyre

Richard Witt

Audacious book

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