Case study: IKEA launches social offer to drive sales
Offering customer “win-wins” is an important aspect of social media promotions, as this case study illustrates.
Offering customer “win-wins” is an important aspect of social media promotions, as this case study illustrates.
To be human is to suffer but our ability to find oy through our hardship defines us. How are you coping?
I unexpectedly ended up on the CBS Morning News. Here’s how it happened — and how I survived 210 seconds of fame
I thought I would pass along a few impressions from Day One of SXSW. This is the epic meeting of all things digital, and all things that WANT to be […]
Here is a take on social media you may have never seen before — the capacity of blogging to transform a life.
Back in college I had this hilarious geology professor who told me that “tsunami” was Japanese for “Where in the hell did all that water come from?” That’s kind of […]
The death of Trey Pennington shook me up and made me reflect on the role of social media in this tragedy.
The reality of a big fat klout score
Dead man blogging is the theme of this post.
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