The 10 biggest marketing challenges have nothing to do with AI
Sure, AI is everywhere. But the biggest marketing challenges might have nothing to do with the bots!
Sure, AI is everywhere. But the biggest marketing challenges might have nothing to do with the bots!
A music critic explained why music today is awful but it sounded a lot like a marketing lesson. This may be why marketing content is getting worse.
Mark Schaefer and Mathew Sweezey have been on journey to find personal peace. In this podcast episode, they compare notes and explore their own paths to contentment.
On the fifteenth anniversary of his blog, Mark Schaefer describes five reasons that “blogging changed my life.” It may have even saved his life.
It took a near-death experience for Sonia Hunt to address her marketing career burnout. She how your marketing skills can actually improve your health!
This is a simple tutorial to create Custom GPTs for use in social media marketing
Creating a custom GPT is all the rage. Mark Schaefer and Paul Roetzer cut through the hype.
The marketing world isn’t just changing. It’s changing at a blinding speed. This presents a time-space compression that challenges our careers, and perhaps our sanity!
AI is creeping into our careers and businesses. But what about the impact on our lives? In this introspective episode of The Marketing Companion, Mark Schaefer and Mathew Sweezey provide a personal view of the impact of AI.
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