NotebookLM has captured the imaginations of an overwhelmed tech community. But it’s more than capturing notes and wading through documents. Mark Schaefer asks it to give it an audio review of his new book, with mind-bending results.
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The key to marketing insights come from consumer communities yet many companies are confused about how to proceed. Mark Schaefer provides some guidance based on his brand conversations.
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Jaguar is the marketing world’s target of ridicule but this post explains why the innovative automotive company is on the right path. In fact, it is on the only and inevitable path.
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Universities play such an important role in our communities — far beyond just education. Yet these institutions are under severe threat from AI and new learning alternatives. A college educator has a bold new plan to reimagine universities.
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If you look at the advertising in the news these days, it might seem like ad creatives have gone off the deep end. But these unhinged brands might be taking the safest path to disruptive marketing.
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Free speech isn’t being threatened by “speech.” It’s being threatened by non-human agents amplifying falsehoods to drive business results.
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Ted Gioia sounded the alarm about a parasite economy where creators do the work and media companies make the money. But there is a more positive side to the economics of the digital economy.
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Nutter Butter has a new video campaign that’s an acid trip crossed with a horror movie. Is this any way to sell a cookie? Mark Schaefer says, “yes.”
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In a field where most people just follow the crowd, making a personal decision to carve a unique path might make all the difference to a marketing strategy.
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