Pee-Wee Herman, the Pinnacle of My Career

One of my tweets was featured on the home page of Twitter today. Usually this is a spot reserved for celebrities, news makers and world leaders but today, it was me.  This is what it said:

Happy Groundhog Day to everyone. I am enjoying our beautiful Groundhog Tree and Hog-Nog today. May the peace of the season be with you.

I have busted my butt writing about strategy, controversy and Wikileaks and the freaking Ground Hog Tree makes the front page.

In a similar and related story, my most-tweeted blog post of 2010 was about the craziest things you can do on Twitter. It was tweeted out by Alyssa Milano, who I had vaguely heard of, and Pee-Wee Herman, who I had definitely heard of. Here’s proof:

Being tweeted by Pee-Wee was the apex of my social media career so far because my mom almost understood what I was saying about “The Tweeter and the Facebox.”

These two tweeting events have provided an epiphany and the lesson is quite clear. My success is completely dependent on penning anything extremely stupid that will entertain the Twitterverse.  Game on.

Part Two: So I hit “publish,” went to bed and woke up this morning thinking, “You idiot, half of your readers aren’t going to know what Groundhog Day is and the other half won’t know who Pee-Wee Herman is.”

Sure enough, the first tweet I saw today was from loyal {grow} reader Roberta Mutti of Belgium who writes:”@markwschaefer, it’s pinnacle of your career, but what is the Groundhog Day?”

Here is the Wikipedia definition of Groundhog Day.  It is obscure, even for Americans. We do not put up Groundhog trees or sing Groundhog caroles, In fact, I’m the only one.

Pee-wee Herman is even more difficult to explain. He’s more like a human cartoon. You have to see it to believe it, so just click here to watch him in action .

Thanks for setting me straight Roberta.

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