The future of podcasting. Will video kill the radio star?

future of podcasting

By Mark Schaefer

Podcasting, which traces its roots back to “audioblogging” in the 1980s, has enjoyed a renaissance as smart phones have become nearly ubiquitous. But what does the future hold?

The great hope for podcasting might be the emotional, immersive nature of the medium. It’s a rich content relationship, not a digital “snack” and a unique opportunity to provide both entertainment and information. A podcast is a companion and the engagement level might make it ideal for business development.

bugglesNow that Tom Webster and I have 10 episodes of The Marketing Companion podcast under our belts, we thought it would be a good time to take a fresh look at the state of podcasting and its future. We also debut our line of clothing and exciting wearable technology: Google Pants. You have to hear it to believe it.

By the way, if you would like to be a part of the podcast, email me an audio file with your comment or question and it might make it into an upcoming show. This week’s podcast covers a lot of ground, including:

  • The latest data on podcasting popularity and usage
  • The promise of blogging to your ears
  • Some of the problems and promises of podcasting
  • Surprising observations about podcasting demographics and metrics
  • Technologies and trends that could ignite podcasting
  • The future of podcasting — Mark and Tom disagree.
  • Podcasting as a source of business leads

… and much more. Ready? Set? Well then, here you go:

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