Social media case study: It’s not just a brand, it’s a buddy
Your most loyal customers don’t see you as a company. They see you as a friend? Hos can you use social media to make that friendship flourish?
Your most loyal customers don’t see you as a company. They see you as a friend? Hos can you use social media to make that friendship flourish?
Businesses pay an enormous amount to earn the same loyalty and devotion from its consumers. But why do they still struggle with creating enduring customer relationships?
Are you buying blog traffic or earning a loyal tribe? There is a big difference.
There has been debate about blog comments but this post examines some business and philosophical reasons why you need to take comments seriously.
A survey of the most successful SM practitioners shows they’re using social media less that you think. Maybe there is an alternate path to success?
This inspiring case study shows sometimes having just five blog readers is all you need.
Social media communications might be expedient. But is it effective?
On the Internet, fake social proof “badges” can be a more important marker of credibility than actual accomplishment.
Those people reading your blog … they love you right? Now let’s take it to the next level and unleash that passion on the world!
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