Let’s not have a Quor-gasm
I don’t like Quora. As far as I can tell I stand alone in this sentiment. Every blogger this side of Silicon Valley has lined up behind Robert Scoble’s opinion that Quora […]
I don’t like Quora. As far as I can tell I stand alone in this sentiment. Every blogger this side of Silicon Valley has lined up behind Robert Scoble’s opinion that Quora […]
Very quietly, a significant milestone occurred last Sunday night. Blogger and consultant Mack Collier monetized a Twitter conversation. That’s right. Mack made money from other people’s tweets on a free […]
During my recent trip to France I had a chance to catch up with {grow} community regular and video blogger extraordinaire Michelle Chmielewski, who is now working in Paris. Our […]
Over the past year, some of the most powerful marketing lessons I’ve learned haven’t come from a book, a guru or a webinar. They’ve come from Chandra Michaels. Chandra is […]
I pleased to present today an interview with William Robb, Director, Social Media Marketing for SAP. SAP is the world’s largest provider of business software and the social media role […]
Seems like everybody wants to produce content that goes viral. Speaking from experience, you should be careful about what you wish for! Last week I followed with tradition and posted […]
Before I convince you that Guy Kawasaki is the devil, let’s look at his secret identity as described in his “official” bio. Guy Kawasaki is a managing director of […]
Can you imagine being in charge of marketing and watch your product become the first-ever “viral” success story? It was just five years ago. YouTube was brand new. Facebook was just […]
Today I’m privileged to feature a wonderful social web success story from my friend Imad Naffa. He recently told me about being re-tweeted by Queen Rania of Jordan and how […]
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