Is social media contributing to political paralysis?
The social web can deliver a real-time pulse of the people. Is that a positive or a negative for political progress?
The social web can deliver a real-time pulse of the people. Is that a positive or a negative for political progress?
In this video interview, David Rosen of Burson Marsteller discusses how he leveraged external news events to nurture client social media activities.
Obama’s Town Hall Meeting versus Twitter truth
As protesters in Cairo’s Tahrir Square faced off against government forces, they were prepared with this Facebook lesson from supporters in Tunisia: “Advice to the youth of Egypt: Put vinegar or […]
I’ve been asked about my perspective on Malcom Gladwell’s article, “Small change: Why the revolution will not be tweeted.” My take on it may surprise you … and provide uncomfortable reading if you […]
Guest blogger and political pundit Jenci Spradlin reveals why business should take a marketing lesson from the politicians: Maybe it’s because I’m a political junkie and spend most of my […]
While President Obama’s use of the social web to connect with voters and raise funds has been well-documented, it may be Scott Brown’s impossible 2010 senatorial win that cements the social web’s role […]
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