The prestigious Search Engine Journal named Mark Schaefer as its top social media expert for 2020.
In the write up, SEJ columnist Anna Bredava noted:
“Mark Schaefer is an extremely prominent voice in marketing. He is an author and a keynote speaker, and his latest book “Marketing Rebellion: The Most Human Company Wins” has changed the way many marketing experts approach their job.
“He writes about the importance of relationships and the sense of belonging in marketing turning to psychology and even sociology as the basis for his social media marketing analysis and predictions.”
Where to follow: Follow Schaefer on Twitter to get involved in deep discussions on the state of social media marketing and read his blog for eye-opening insights.
My favorite piece: There was a lot to choose from, but this blog post about the business value of social media engagement was a winner for me. Show it to your boss next time they ask what is it exactly you’re doing.
Mark Schaefer is often recognized as a top social media expert based on his forward-thinking body of work:
First book on influence marketing: Return On Influence
Number one book on Twitter: The Tao of TwitterNumber one book on blogging
Number one book on SEO: The Content Code
Number one book on personal branding: KNOWN
His new book Marketing Rebellion: The Most Human Company Wins hit number one in both the marketing and advertising categories on Amazon.
Schaefer is the Executive Director of Schaefer Marketing Solutions, a faculty member of Rutgers University, and keynote speaker.