Creating the beautiful blog with Stanford Smith
Stanford Smith of Pushing Social weighs in on deleting comment sections, blogging trends and making your blog more beautiful.
Stanford Smith of Pushing Social weighs in on deleting comment sections, blogging trends and making your blog more beautiful.
By Kerry Gorgone, {grow} Contributing Columnist 2013 is over. What are the key marketing lessons from that year that will help propel our efforts into the New Year? From Jay Baer’s Youtility to […]
Businesses pay an enormous amount to earn the same loyalty and devotion from its consumers. But why do they still struggle with creating enduring customer relationships?
The first step is to understand why social media programs fail. After you identify the pitfalls, you can devise a response.
Don’t look to your number of Twitter followers to build social media power. Look at RELEVANCE.
If we are going to jumpstart our efforts and push past the plateau we need to go back to a different set of basics.
The social media scene has become a petty space filled with ugliness and self-promotion. What’s happened, and what can be done to reverse the trend?
By Stanford Smith, Contributing {grow} Columnist I’m morbidly fascinated by failure. As of late, I’ve been scouring the web looking for failed social media programs. Unfortunately, I can find plenty […]
By Stanford Smith, Contributing {grow} Columnist Many passionate and hardworking social business operatives are making a business-killing mistake. Proud of their impressive Twitter followings, Facebook crowds and Klout scores they […]
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