The Tao of Twitter in Action

I knew my book The Tao of Twitter could help a lot of people de-mystify Twitter but I never expected the out-pouring of praise and connection that has occurred with the book.

This week, I received a very touching gesture from somebody following the path.

But first I should explain that although the Tao of Twitter covers hundreds of tips, tricks and shortcuts, the first half of the book is devoted to the MINDSET needed to succeed on Twitter, and on social media in general. I’m convinced that behind every social media success story and case study, there is a pattern, and it is a pattern that most people and businesses MISS!

The path starts with Targeted Connections.  If you don’t surround yourself with people who are interested in you and care about you’re doing, you’re wasting your time. Some purists will tell you numbers don’t matter. Well, they do. You just have to surround yourself with folks in a systematic and smart way, as described in the book.

Next, you have to deliver Meaningful Content. It doesn’t have to be a PhD thesis, but you need to get into the habit of sharing quality content and engaging with followers regularly.

Finally is Authentic Helpfulness.  This is the catalyst that keeps these new relationships going.

One reader decided to put the Tao to the test. Here is a message I received this week.

I was inspired by your book and wanted to practice Authentic Helpfulness. I decided to do a few Twitter background pages for you that are based on the feel of your book cover.

Happy to make tweaks or revisions if it’s close to what you want but not exactly. Feel free to use or not — it was a fun exercise to try.

Thanks so much for your insights. They reinforced a lot of how I have approached Twitter and provided some new ideas to try.

Carl Brand
Senior Graphic Designer
Bush Industries
@MyVogonPoetry on Twitter

While this is certainly a very thoughtful and generous gesture by Carl, it is very typical of the warm feedback and appreciation people have shown for the book.

I’m really proud that the little book is creating a movement of people who are realizing powerful personal and business benefits by making a few adjustments to their approach.  I literally hear success stories every day. It has been a very, very rewarding experience.

So if you’re already “getting your Tao on” — THANK YOU.  If you’re uncomfortable with your progress on Twitter, this might be the best little investment you will make.

Keep those comments and success stories coming!

Take the Mystery Out of Twitter!

Become a Twitter Ninja in just 90 minutes with the The Tao of Twitter, the best-selling Twitter book in the world!  Learn the three elements behind every Twitter success, 22 ways to build a relevant audience, strategies to create personal and business benefits, and hundreds of amazing tips and time-savers.

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