Confessions of a “Type A” Blogger

A guest post from {grow} community member Taryn Erickson

A perpetual ‘go-getter’ by nature, when I jumped into the Social Media scene it was a calculated attack.  I was on a serious mission: amass followers, craft clever content, lead the industry, innovate online communities, be the first to promote emerging trends.

Then, I read “The Go-Giver” – which forever changed my attitude as a Social Media strategist. And that’s saying something.

This ‘little story about a powerful business idea’ offers volumes of knowledge – that can help YOU become more Social Media savvy. Like me, you may have lofty goals for domination in your online communities. You might be looking to become an outstanding voice, an influential thought leader, a Social Media master.

Take a big step back. What did I learn from this powerful story? Becoming a ‘go-giver’ and applying the 5 Laws of Stratospheric Success to my Social Media strategy. Changing my focus from getting to giving….well, that changed my success rate too.

How To: Become A Go-Giver (And Social Media Savvy)

As readers journey with Joe, the quintessential ‘go-getter’ in this business parody, our standard of success is completely redefined. This book puts a topsy-turvy spin on most advice (and intrinsic motivators) of strategic professionals!  Applying the 5 laws of a ‘go-giver’ to your Social Media strategy will develop the approach you need to succeed.

  1. The Law of Value: your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.  Help others get linked, promoted, retweeted, liked, mentioned, followed, engaged, connected – do it MORE than you expect in return! In the competitive Social Media community focus on the more you give, not the more you get.
  2. The Law of Compensation: your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them.  Have a service minded mentality in your Social Media strategy. Guest blog for others, promote tweets, mention and follow thers, link to good content – and do it often! Serving others, and doing it well, provides the biggest payoff.
  3. The  Law of Influence: your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests first. Go way beyond the old adage ‘treat others how you want to be treated’ –  this attitude requires you to treat others BETTER than you want to be  treated! If you are genuine in promoting and engaging with others,  eventually you will see the rewards of your influence.
  4. The Law of Authenticity: the most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself.   Be confident. Be bold. Approach industry leaders. Maintain your voice.  Have FUN! Offering up yourself in an authentic fashion makes you more likeable. Try it out, and offer the best possible you in Social Media space – others will respect your genuine approach.
  5. The Law of Receptivity: the key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving.Your give-give-give approach won’t be for nothing! Keep engaged and be engaging; you will find the opportunities and rewards are exponential. Be open to receiving. Practice humility always, but take credit. Watch as your traffic and influence in Social Media increases.

Becoming a ‘go-giver’ changed my approach and attitude! Is the payoff immediate? Not really. In the beginning I seemed to be giving a lot and getting a little. Yet being a ‘go-giver’ in Social Media has allowed me to form much stronger relationships – a collection of people and companies that are willing to repay favors. Others that now invest valuable time, and want to help me succeed! My influence in Social Media is growing in an authentic, genuine way. Exponentially.

Find your voice and presence in Social Media, by learning to serve others first. Track how your efforts are paying off, and enjoy the rewards of being a ‘go-giver’. Like me. Then savor the success of being Social Media savvy!

Taryn Erickson is a communications and marketing specialist, adding unique flair to the Social Media revolution. Follow her on Twitter @Taryn44 |and through her blog, SoMeffect

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