Ian Cleary and the Art of Guerilla Networking Success

Ian Cleary stalked me and it changed my life.

There is no person I have ever met who is more skillful at using conferences to build his brand than Ian Cleary. Perhaps it is most accurate to describe his networking style as … forceful!

Ian cleary networking successIn 2012 Ian had me on his “hit list” of people to meet. When he discovered I was speaking at a New York City conference, he literally came running through the hall to flag me down!

We became friends and the connections he has helped me make over the years led to speaking engagements in Ireland and Wales, an opportunity to lecture at an EU Think Tank, taking on Bank of Ireland as a customer, a relationship with the Coder Dojo charity, and quite a few happy moments sharing his company in pubs.

Ian has come from nowhere on the digital marketing scene to becoming a well-known blogger, speaker and consultant through Razor Social. He achieved his rapid success by establishing a niche in social media tool evaluation, hard work, and amazing networking success.

Ian recently stayed with me at my home in Tennessee in between U.S. speaking events and I grabbed this opportunity to have him share some of his networking secrets through this short video interview.

Ian Cleary keys to networking success

A few of the topics covered in this video:
  • Why Ian goes to conferences and doesn’t attend a single session
  • How Ian uses free consulting opportunities for successful networking
  • His strategy for building relationships with influencers online
  • Ian’s unusual marketing strategy for promoting his speaking engagements and connecting with his audience BEFORE he goes on stage
  • His advice for people just starting out online

Watch this video and I guarantee that you will pick up at least one amazing idea to improve your networking success. I wish I had heard this advice five years ago!

Click here if you can’t see my video interview with Ian Cleary and his networking success.

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