A ton of useful information on social media marketing measurement!

social media and roi

In today’s post I’ve provided two wonderful resources to get you over the hump of social media marketing measurement … a subject that seems to preoccupy so much of the online conversation.

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post explaining WHEN we measure our efforts is as important as WHAT we measure. This was one of my most popular posts ever and I was rewarded that it helped so many people!

With some magic from my dear friend and art director Sarah Mason, we’ve turned some of the concepts from this post into a slick and colorful slide presentation that you can use for free in your own companies! Here it is:

But wait … there’s more!!

One of the things I love to do most of all as a college educator is hanging out with students and talking about their business problems.  I thought it might be fun to open this opportunity to the world by holding open conversations on Blab.

The video embedded below is the first “Social Media Office Hours” program and it is a great one. On this edition I spend about 45 minutes hanging out with marketing measurement and analytics expert Rob Petersen and, together with some of our {grow} community, we tackle the hardest questions in the field around social media and ROI.

A few key ideas from this presentation:

  • Awareness – engagement – ROI … what to expect.
  • When you have an integrated marketing campaign, how do you tell the value of social media marketing?
  • “Conversations – Amplification – Applause” and the importance to your business.
  • Expanding social media value beyond ROI
  • The importance of qualitative measures
  • The most important metric that I use with all of my clients
  • Learning from competitors
  • How the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge leveraged sentiment analysis to build momentum
  • Is there any way to work around new Facebook restrictions to measure success?
  • It’s time to adapt and adopt to Twitter and Facebook restrictions and get creative in measurement
  • Why “Big Data” is so dependent on social media interactions
  • How to prove your “social media worth” with clients
  • How to use metrics to teach and grow your customer.
  • The importance of building in quick wins and milestones.

I hope you enjoy this discussion. You’re sure to get a few big ideas out of this video. Let me know what you think and what you would like to discuss with me in the future.

If you can’t view this video, you can see the conversation here: Social Media Measurement.

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Illustration courtesy of Flickr CC and threesisters

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