Facebook Marketers need to take a hint from Wonder Woman


By Brooke B. Sellas, {grow} Contributing Columnist

Confession time. I not only keep up-to-date with Facebook marketing, I also happen to be an undercover comic book and superhero NERD. I drag my husband to every single superhero movie that comes out.

So you can imagine how excited I was when Wonder Woman appeared in Batman V Superman last March. Although I was pretty disappointed in the Dawn of Justice flick, I was enthralled by the appearance of one of the most iconic woman superheroes of all time.

Now that Wonder Woman has had her very own debut, I’d like to combine two of my passions and tell you what Diana Prince can teach you about Facebook Marketing.

Facebook Marketing Requires A Peaceful Diplomat

With over 1.94 billion monthly active users, Facebook is the site where many marketers spend their time “on the battlefield.” But how can you dominate this behemoth? Take a few cues from the Amazonian superhero.

Wonder Woman has 3 major traits that any regular human could embody to become a Facebook marketing warrior:

  1. Diplomacy
  2. Truthfulness
  3. Emotional intelligence

While we’d all like to think we easily embody these traits, you can look at the latest Facebook campaign disaster and see that many, many big brands do not have what it takes to conquer Facebook marketing.

Even Dove and Pepsi have ruffled feathers of late (all while thinking they were being sensitive to our current state of affairs).

Let’s take a deeper dive into each attribute marketers need to remain relevant on Facebook.

Facebook Demands Finesse

In a word, we need more diplomacy.

Wonder Woman’s first approach is always tactful … say, where Hulk automatically goes for a “HULK SMASH!” attitude.

We’re inundated with tales of marketers whose insensitive and clumsy remarks or actions have led to disastrous results (United Airlines, anyone?).

In a social climate where anything can be misconstrued as an insult, we need diplomacy more than ever.

In my mind, there are 4 steps to crafting a tactful message or response on Facebook, even if you’re responding to criticism:

  1. Actively read what’s being said. Read comments not only to understand what’s written, but try to discern the tone, voice, and overall message that’s being delivered.
  2. Acknowledge the person on the other side of the screen; even if you’re still formulating a tactful response, this can be as simple as a “like” on their comment. This doesn’t mean you’re agreeing with the person but you are letting them know that you’re listening/reading.
  3. Use I statements (or the collective brand “we”). Using “I” or “we” statements during conflict helps take ownership of your response and feelings instead of placing blame.
  4. Check your emotions at the door. Take time to calm down before you respond and bring in other team members to get a better view of how your message or response can be taken.

Though we aim to be quick on social, sometimes it’s better to take the time to respond with tact and grace.

Being Authentic Ain’t Easy

One of the most recognizable characteristics of Wonder Woman is the Lasso of Truth, which “forces anyone it captures into submission; compelling its captives to obey the wielder of the lasso and tell the truth.”

The Q2 2017 Sprout Social Index found that whopping 86% of consumers want brands to be honest on social media — more than any other “want” listed.


Facebook, as a platform, actually rewards authenticity.

Just last month they released a new advertising algorithm update that reduces links to low-quality web pages.

And with Facebook Live becoming a burgeoning tool for brands and entrepreneurs, there’s a really easy way to “show versus tell” when it comes to your true, authentic self.

Use this powerful tool to build intimacy with your and your Facebook audience. Mark Schaefer does this beautifully when he offers his Facebook Live sessions — he literally pops on and answers viewers questions (honestly).

What better way to check the box on the three most wanted behaviors for brands (honest, friendly, helpful)?!

Show Off (Your Personality — AND Theirs)

Facebook marketing warriors have EI or Emotional Intelligence.

EI is the ability to command your own personality plus decipher the emotions of others’ to adapt your own thinking or change your environment.

So few Facebook marketers are using emotional marketing to slowly nurture their Facebook marketing strategy. And yes, Facebook is where consumers want you to shine!



While you’d think live-streaming platforms like Snapchat and Instagram would take the cake with showing off (your personality), the Sprout Q2 2017 report shows otherwise.

Facebook offers a huge opportunity for brands to build a personality … including taking off-channel content and putting it to work for you on Facebook.

  • Customer service conversations or FAQs to highlight on your Facebook Page
  • In-store demonstrations or how-to videos or photo albums
  • Blog posts
  • Marketing videos

Go Forth & Be Wonder-ful!

Of course, Wonder Woman resonates with me because she is a strong, independent woman who is capable of balancing love and war.

Even if you resonate more with The Joker, or you’re not at all into superheroes and comic books, you can learn a lot from being a decent human being.

It seems the simplest of lessons has been one of the hardest lessons for big brands to master.

Like Diana Price, I have hope for the human race … and Facebook marketers.

What do you think most Facebook marketers are missing; what lessons are hardest for to you to learn?

Brooke Ballard for {grow}Brooke B. Sellas is an in-the-trenches digital marketer & Owner at B Squared Media, blossoming blogger, and a purveyor of psychographics. Her mantra is “Think Conversation, Not Campaign” so be sure to give her a shout on Twitter.

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