The Six Stages of Emotional Branding
Beyond loyalty, “emotional branding” builds a fanbase that will defend you no matter what. Here are the six stages of that process.
Beyond loyalty, “emotional branding” builds a fanbase that will defend you no matter what. Here are the six stages of that process.
Is journalism the new marketing? Does “truth” sell? The social web has brought these fields together in ways that might surprise you!
Even if you were not caught up in the Royal Wedding frenzy, if you were a breathing human being you couldn’t help but catch a glimpse of the event this […]
By Sidneyeve Matrix, Contributing {grow} Columnist We know that people prefer to connect with other people, not brands. Not too long ago, Mark wrote about how one of the biggest […]
Let’s start this post with a little quiz. I’ve assembled a few Twitter avatars from my Twitter stream. Take a look at the line-up and think about which company you […]
I crawled through the nooks and crannies of the UK and France over the past two weeks and while I enjoyed my share of fine food, history, art and monuments, […]
Unless you’ve been in a cave this week, it would have been hard to avoid the splendid, amazing and entertaining Old Spice media blitz, which includes brilliant ads and one […]
Let’s have some fun with my buns. Cinnamon buns, that is. One of the myths we recently discussed on {grow} was the claim that every business needs to use social […]
Place, product, price and promotion. We all learned these basic marketing principles in college and they still stand up today. But the social web is a true shift in the […]
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