How do you measure the value of a brand community? Ten ideas.
Community-based marketing is a red-hot trend, and here are 10 ideas to quantify the value of a brand community.
Community-based marketing is a red-hot trend, and here are 10 ideas to quantify the value of a brand community.
The Most Human Company Wins except when the Best Fake is better. Why AI-generated content will dominate marketing.
CapCut is on the move and could be the next big social media app
Is the government trying to control people through social isolation? No, it’s how we make money.
Mark Schaefer’s new speech on AI is connects practical business realities with radical technological transformation.
Major brands are taking a new look at loyalty programs in light of new consumer needs and technological opportunities.
Mark Schaefer and Mathew Sweezey explore the opportunities in a new episode of The Marketing Companion podcast.
One of my clients built his business entirely on influencer marketing. His revenue has grown explosively through a combination of both paid and organic relationships with powerful influencers who specialize […]
More content choices have left Gen Z isolated and fractured. They long for shared experiences like their parents.
Have you ever had to send an apology by personal courier? Mark Schaefer and Jay Acunzo reveal their most embarrassing business mistakes!
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