Are you being caught in Google’s Filter Bubble?

Can’t see the video?  Click here: Mark Schaefer interviews Helen Brown

This video will make you think!  On my recent trip to Boston I got to catch up with Helen Brown, who is not only my friend and customer, but also a brilliant thinker and strategist when it comes to search.


Her livelihood depends on it!  Her firm helps nonprofits thrive through expert research, training and consulting on donor strategies. Search engines are the life blood of her business.

So imagine my surprise when she described to me a phenomenon that is occurring for all of us. As Google tailors each of our searches based on our search history, it is inexorably limiting the possibilities and quality of our searches. In this short video interview, Helen describes a strategy to “take your search back” as well as a new Google tool called Verbatim that is designed to re-open search possibilities for all of us.

Did you learn something from this video? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section.

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