Exploring the personal branding pivot
Many people have been working on their brands for many years. And for many, it’s time for a change. Mark Schaefer and Amanda Russell explore the personal branding pivot.
Many people have been working on their brands for many years. And for many, it’s time for a change. Mark Schaefer and Amanda Russell explore the personal branding pivot.
A music critic explained why music today is awful but it sounded a lot like a marketing lesson. This may be why marketing content is getting worse.
Word of mouth marketing can be enigmatic but critically important in the digital age
Everybody Writes by Ann Handley inspires us to be better through actionable and unique content ideas.
Entrepreneurial visionary Dana Malstaff delivers a leadership truth bomb.
I admire Adam Grant. Just not this time.
Explore the funny side of marketing with Scot Monty and Tim Washer.
Tom Peters is a legend and has dispensed advice for decades. But his final words on marketing surprised even him.
MasterCard CMO Raja Rajamannar is stirring up the marketing world and he brings his vision to The Marketing Companion.
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