A Simple Rule for How Brands Should Work with Influencers: Attention Retention
Jay Acunzo shares how brands should approach working with influencers and why they should focus on attention retention, not audience size or CPMs.
Jay Acunzo shares how brands should approach working with influencers and why they should focus on attention retention, not audience size or CPMs.
There is a lot of emphasis on beginning a journey on creating content. But what about ending one? A discussion on the art and science of stopping.
You may be using content marketing to capture leads, but are you using it for client education, too? We’ve got 3+ ways you can create content for customers.
Chad Pollitt writes how the US has gotten so far behind other countries in native advertising technology – and who is to blame.
Some people blame content marketing perils on a lack of quality content. But great content does not assure content marketing success.
It’s easy to create a “snap” or go on Facebook Live and chat, but are you adding business value or littering the web with random acts of content?
To stand out in a competitive and information-dense world, should we be focused on creating content, or providing experiences?
Content Shock is here. It’s time to look at the world realistically and base our strategies on what is, not content marketing myths we wish for.
Senior marketers came up with what they believe to be the five major questions of content marketing strategy and execution.
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