20 of the world’s most clever Twitter bios
Writing an effective bio in 160 characters or less may be the world’s most sublime art form. These bios stand alone for their creativity and humor.
Writing an effective bio in 160 characters or less may be the world’s most sublime art form. These bios stand alone for their creativity and humor.
I woke up Thursday morning to a shocking development. My ego had been knocked down 60 pegs. On the right hand column of this blog there is a fancy orange […]
The death of Trey Pennington shook me up and made me reflect on the role of social media in this tragedy.
Many people dream of writing their own book and luckly today you don’t need an agent or contact to experience success. How do you self-publish your book?
The reality of a big fat klout score
By Mark Schaefer I’m asked to review a ton of blogs. Some of them are pretty sorry. But with just a few little tweaks, they could be really great. Here […]
Obama’s Town Hall Meeting versus Twitter truth
Blogging and your moment of truth
Google Plus won’t be the Facebook killer gurus predict because the psychological switching costs are too high.
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