The ABCs of selling. A {growtoon}.
Is it possible to take your online selling strategies offline? This cartoon would imply “no!”
Is it possible to take your online selling strategies offline? This cartoon would imply “no!”
This 57-year-old film uncannily predicts Skype, cell phones, personal computing and many other current technologies. You have to see it to believe it.
For 100 years, the same paranoid questions have plagued the PR business. Isn’t it time for the profession to get over itself?
The most costly mistake you can make in business is brilliantly executing an obsolete strategy. Social media is changing the nature of strategy.
Those of us who have to compete for a living have come to realize there is only one real key to create competitive advantage. And this cautionary tale explains it.
Many companies are using virtual freelance help to conquer everything from menial tasks to R&D. New research shows just how important this trend is.
Here is a take on social media you may have never seen before — the capacity of blogging to transform a life.
Klout seems to be the blogger’s best friend these days. Is anybody NOT writing about it? What’s driving the frenzy?
The social media scene has become a petty space filled with ugliness and self-promotion. What’s happened, and what can be done to reverse the trend?
I found this commercial to be brilliant on every level. It tells a great story, the nuanced looks and expressions of the actresses are priceless, it’s memorable, and it’s HILARIOUS. This […]
As Google tailors our searches, it is limiting the quality of our results. Search Expert Helen Brown describes a strategy to “take your search back”
Paris Blogger Gregory Pouy shares his view on the most breathtaking and successful digital campaigns for 2011. This is a post you will bookmark!
These creative uses of Twitter will jump-start your social media marketing efforts! Here are 15 ways you can turn Twitter into competitive advantage.
Is journalism the new marketing? Does “truth” sell? The social web has brought these fields together in ways that might surprise you!
What is keeping you from succeeding with your social media strategy? Is it resources? Time? Vision? More than likely it is your corporate culture! This article explains why.
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