Don’t let marketing drive your values, let your values drive your marketing
Look to your origin story, legacy, and narrative to guide marketing based on values.
Look to your origin story, legacy, and narrative to guide marketing based on values.
Strong, consistent corporate values provide a North Star to guide marketers through perilous times.
Don’t mistake our pandemic selves for our real sleves when assessing consumer behavior.
How do we modernize our marketing when a stubborn corporate culture is in the way?
200 episodes of The Marketing Companion are worth celebrating with Instagram viewing parties, UFOs and surprise gifts!
Short musings on progrss anxiety, mental health and marketing, and the usefulness of baby animals.
Does thought leadership come from a brand, a person, or a little of both?
LinkedIn spam is proliferating. Facebook is imploding (again). We look at the state of digital marketing on The Marketing Companion.
Marketing leaders are falling behind the times. They see the changes happening but why won’t they shift?
Why not tune into the world’s most entertaining marketing podcast!
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