It’s time to put an end to an era of lazy marketing
Using new data from political research, there is an imperative for micro-segmentation and marketing fundamentals — a call for the end to lazy marketing.
Using new data from political research, there is an imperative for micro-segmentation and marketing fundamentals — a call for the end to lazy marketing.
There’s a lot of pressure to create great original content but maybe success comes through an industry curated content strategy.
The ad industry is in trouble and stock valuations are in a freefall. This podcast episode examines the problems in the ad industry.
The business case for becoming a desperate entrepreneur: A corporate intrapreneur will always lose to an entrepreneur running out of money and time
Creating a new social network is a perilous proposition but Amazon Spark may beat the odds. What marketers need to know about this new entry.
Smart speakers have become part of our lives and voice search has profound implications for marketing. What happens when Google search goes away?
In just five years, influence marketing has grown from Klout to a mainstream industry channel. This post shows that influencer marketing grows up
The annual “Meeker Report” is a treasure trove of digital marketing trends and facts that attracts massive media attention each year. But can it be trusted?
Search algorithms are holding content “loops” in place, making the popular even more popular, and depressing content discovery. What is the strategy now?
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