Three significant NFT case studies for marketing

NFT case studies

Recently a friend posted a photo from his trip to Alaska. He was hiking by a river and spotted a massive grizzly bear on the opposite river bank. His comment under the photo: “I am simultaneously fascinated and terrified.”

This is also a common reaction when it comes to marketing and NFTs. Fascinating potential. But terrifying in their ability to crush hopes and dreams, as evidenced by some recent scams and “rug pulls.”

On the new Marketing Companion episode, Mathew Sweezey, a Co-Founder of the Salesforce Web3 Studio, and I explore current NFT case studies that illustrate the extremes when it comes to NFTs and marketing:

We also got into a great discussion of trust versus truth. A snippet from Mathew:

“What is really brilliant and profound is that we’re moving into this world where truth is more important than trust. Trust was usually created through how we talked about our brand, and we always did things to make ourselves more trustworthy. But the reality is, we look around the world from a global standpoint, no one really believes those things anymore.

“But when a consumer says something, they talk the truth. It’s from their mouth. It’s their motive, not your motive, a very different intrinsic motive. That is very different from a brand that is trying to protect trust.”

You won’t want to miss this fascinating discussion on NFT case studies. I learned a lot, and I think you will, too!

Click on this link to listen to hear Episode 255

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