20 of the world’s most clever Twitter bios
Writing an effective bio in 160 characters or less may be the world’s most sublime art form. These bios stand alone for their creativity and humor.
Writing an effective bio in 160 characters or less may be the world’s most sublime art form. These bios stand alone for their creativity and humor.
I woke up Thursday morning to a shocking development. My ego had been knocked down 60 pegs. On the right hand column of this blog there is a fancy orange […]
Brian Rudolph is leading the social media charge for some of the world’s biggest brands and in this short video interview, he provides insights on how social platforms and their […]
If you hate Klout … and you probably do … try to take a deep breath and read ahead with an open mind. Nothing seems to get rational people […]
It is almost too much to bear to report that another dear friend, and social media marketing titan, has passed away. Imad Naffa, a consistently joyful and inspiring presence on […]
A guest post from {grow} community member Taryn Erickson A perpetual ‘go-getter’ by nature, when I jumped into the Social Media scene it was a calculated attack. I was on […]
It’s all about the conversation. Have you heard that a thousand times? It’s a ubiquitous mantra of the social web to the point where sometimes I think it takes over as the […]
The death of Trey Pennington shook me up and made me reflect on the role of social media in this tragedy.
My friend Trey Pennington, one of the most popular figures on the social web, committed suicide today. I have been trying to figure out how to deal with this tragedy. I’ve […]
I had my eyes opened to the massive growth of the crowdsourcing industry at a SXSW panel earlier this year. Ever since then, I have been looking for an […]
Social media usage may have reached a tipping point, according to a new report from one of my favorite sources, The Pew Internet and American Life Project. Fully 65% of […]
I’ve started and trashed this article at least six times. As you will see, I have my reasons to be conflicted about publishing it. Yet I can’t deny this gnawing […]
I was stuck in traffic and had not moved for nearly an hour. I was quite bored. I had a thought. This is a dangerous combination.
Rebecca Denison is an outstanding, bright young professional and one of my favorite Twitter friends. She also happens to take exception with some of my musings on Klout and influence. You know […]
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