Confessions of a smartphone douchebag
I have developed a twitch. I can’t go more than 15 minutes without reaching into my pocket, pulling out my smartphone and checking in with the torrent of communications coming at […]
I have developed a twitch. I can’t go more than 15 minutes without reaching into my pocket, pulling out my smartphone and checking in with the torrent of communications coming at […]
Drew Hawkins has become one of the most consistent contributors in the {grow} community. He recently commented that he could relate to the research on the explosive growth of social […]
One of my tweets was featured on the home page of Twitter today. Usually this is a spot reserved for celebrities, news makers and world leaders but today, it was […]
There continues to be a steady buzz about QR codes, those bar code-looking thingys that can be scanned by a smart phone to link you to added content, a website […]
Don’t you think these bizarre new media “visualizations” have gone too far? The picture above is not a map of Africa on Acid, it’s a new LinkedIn product called InMaps. […]
I’m a little freaked about this post. I’m afraid people will read only the blog headline and get out their pitchforks and torches. So please glance at least a few […]
The success of {grow} has been stranger than science fiction and a wonderful surprise. In less than nine months, it’s rocketed up the charts from being unranked to as high […]
A few months ago my friend Dr. Ben Hanna led an extensive statistical study to discover the optimal tweeting strategy by running matched tests of tweets over a period of […]
Let’s start this post with a little quiz. I’ve assembled a few Twitter avatars from my Twitter stream. Take a look at the line-up and think about which company you […]
I don’t like Quora. As far as I can tell I stand alone in this sentiment. Every blogger this side of Silicon Valley has lined up behind Robert Scoble’s opinion that Quora […]
The other day a prominent Twitter celebrity was kind enough to re-tweet one of my blog posts. It was not Kim Kardashian. At least that time. Any way, because of his power […]
2011 will be a year when many marketing professionals hit the social media re-set button. After climbing aboard the “engagement train” for fear of being left behind, many marketers will […]
The 10 Best Corporate Blogs in the World
There is a 90% chance that you were not reading this blog one year ago. I’ve covered a lot of ground since then so I thought I would reflect on […]
Judging by her school-issue personal photo, Twana Florance appears to be a mild-mannered, middle-aged matron from Twin Falls, Idaho. But there is no Twana Florance. Twana is probably some teenager […]
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