Data, big data and bigger data. If the data don’t show that the creative is going to work, throw it out the window. Play it safe, do what the data says. But for how much longer? There’s a need for balancing data and emotion.
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Are you stuck in a company culture focused on sell, sell, sell? Here are tips to overcome and eventually work in a world focused on human content.
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In this revised and expanded version of a marketing classic, Mark Schaefer takes his beloved book Social Media Explained to a new level.
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Giant Spoon agency pulled off the most buzz-worthy word of mouth marketing activation of the SXSW Interactive festival. How did they bring the Westworld television set to life?
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Social media marketing has been the hottest marketing concept for the last 10 years. Is it losing steam, or just taking off? Is social media marketing still a thing?
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The rules of breaking out on the internet have changed so much. It’s time to re-negotiate the relationship between content and platform.
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Social media has made the world more polarized. Consumers want to know what you stand for. Does every company need to take a political stand?
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Don’t become complacent about public posts. Europe’s new hate speech laws could affect journalists, businesses, and social media users.
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With the pressure to perform and build influence on the web, many people are buying fake followers, likes and comments. But in the end, true influence will win.
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