When Twitter followers ask for money
The appeal was heartfelt, but when a Twitter follower asked for money asked for money, I said no. Here’s why.
The appeal was heartfelt, but when a Twitter follower asked for money asked for money, I said no. Here’s why.
Let’s face it. Many social media “gurus” would be obscure if it weren’t for an ability to create content. Content is creating celebrity on the web.
A different way to think about social media ROI
This Klout innovation introduces a wild card to the social influence debate — Klout as agent of search engine optimization
The annual Forbes influencers list is a meaningless exercise with bad methodology. Here is who they missed and why
An unexpected national drama can wreak havoc on social media reputations if you’re not aware of the Social Media Code of Conduct
Most social online influence marketing is done all wrong. But these three case show that there is hope!
Business success means mastering the six layers of customer engagement. Are you ready?
Establishing a Social Media Lead Team is essential to assure progress and sustainable success. This article explains how to do it.
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