6 Personal best practices for content creation success

content creation success

Between my podcasting compadre Tom Webster and myself, we have written six books, more than 2,000 blog posts, recorded about 500 podcasts, posted more than 80,000 tweets, 4,000 Facebook posts, and 200 videos. Together, we give about 75 speeches a year and participate in dozens of webinars, panel discussions, classes and hangouts. In 2012, Tom even recorded a solo album of Swamp Blues Favorites.**

In other words, we have been around the content creating block a time or two. We have made mistakes. We have had some glorious victories. But at every turn we learned, experimented, and became more effective marketers.

Today, we share some of our most profound and important lessons in content creation success with you on this glorious new podcast. We also introduce our latest Marketing Companion product launch: Podbot … the podcast guest who is always on time and ready to promote your own stuff!

Some of the lessons on this episode are old … like the revelation that finally helped me turn the corner with my blog. Some of the ideas are new, some we are still struggling through today. But I can guarantee that you will take something away from this podcast that will amuse, illuminate and inspire you.

Ready? Let’s do this thing!

** No he didn’t I totally made that up.

Resources mentioned in this podcast:

Tom’s Friday Five Podcast

The book Born to Blog: Building Your Blog for Personal and Business Success One Post at a Time

Post on the “3H types of content

The three blog posts that created viral traffic spikes on {grow} in 2014:

Other Ways to Listen to this Podcast:

Click on this link to listen to Episode 38

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gShift’s Web Presence Analytics platform provides agencies and brands with search, social and mobile content marketing data in one place. Monitor and report on an entire web presence. Create smarter, faster content through gShift’s proprietary data. Report on the engagement and performance of your content marketing investment.

Our podcast is also brougvoices heard mediaht to you by Voices Heard Media. Please check out this tremendous resource for scaling social media engagement. Take a look at building an engaged and relevant audience through innovative new game, analytics, and polling platforms.

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