Social proof and your battle for credibility
On the Internet, fake social proof “badges” can be a more important marker of credibility than actual accomplishment.
On the Internet, fake social proof “badges” can be a more important marker of credibility than actual accomplishment.
Those people reading your blog … they love you right? Now let’s take it to the next level and unleash that passion on the world!
Social media measurement cannot be conducted in a vacuum. You must consider the context of the organization’s goals, budget and culture.
A few success lessons from a blogger who had to learn the hard way!
Join the growtoonists each Friday for a humorous take on marketing, social media, and current business events.
I think a place where you can pin your puns would be ever so much more entertaining that Pinterest. Introducing Puninterest!
Here’s a glimpse of the hottest tech ideas from Mario Armstrong, a tech pundit and contributor to The Today Show, National Public Radio and CNN.
Do you have the time to devote to social media? Can you really afford NOT to? Let’s look at the risks.
The 90-year-old founder of the world’s largest PR firm discusses life lessons, cutting through PR chaos, and the role of social media in society.
Creating effective PowerPoint presentations is a skill that is rarely ever taught. Here are five very easy powerpoint presentation tips
Everybody dreams of going viral but as this post demonstrates, it might not be worth all the hype!
Social media may be new but the psychological desires that drive its use are old. Strategists need to understand and master these ideas.
Several social media celebrities seem to be recommending that measuring social media efforts is unnecessary. It’s time for a smackdown.
The story of how one little book has changed thousands of lives in a profound way.
If we are going to jumpstart our efforts and push past the plateau we need to go back to a different set of basics.
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