Yes, it IS about the money
I know social media is about “relationships.” I get it … I really do. But if you are responsible for a social media initiative for your company, somebody is eventually […]
I know social media is about “relationships.” I get it … I really do. But if you are responsible for a social media initiative for your company, somebody is eventually […]
If you’ve been reading the blog posts this week about social media and measurement, you owe it to yourself to read the fascinating comment section under the article The biggest […]
Today, let’s do a very simple calculation to determine how much cash your social media strategy should be generating to justify its existence. I think this might just blow your […]
This is what real ROI looks like. Except if you’re in Canada. Then it would be red, blue and purple. Canadian money rocks. Do NOT skip over this article — […]
This is a map of Macedonia. It will only make sense if you read the article : ) My friend John Bottom is a gifted B2B marketing professional with London-based […]
This is Part 4 of my interview with Dr. Ben Hanna, former eBay exec, online marketing pioneer and VP of Part 1: Four breakthrough Twitter insights Part 2: Essential […]
M.C. Escher This part 3 of my interview with B2B marketing pioneer Dr. Ben Hanna, VP of Part 1: Four breakthrough Twitter research insights Part 2: Essential B2B social […]
This part 2 of my interview with B2B marketing pioneer Dr. Ben Hanna, VP of Click here for Part 1: Twitter for business: Four breakthrough insights Ben, your company […]
I’m privileged to introduce a week-long series of B2B social media insights with Dr. Ben Hanna, Vice President of Marketing for, where he oversees brand strategy, online marketing, public […]
This is a picture of Kim Kardashain with somebody who is not me. Kim Kardashian and I have finally broken up. It probably won’t make the tabloids. We’re keeping it […]
Smoky Mountains National Park — The site of my digital de-toxification! Yesterday I commented on the increasing time commitments and frustrations of social media maintenance. To get released from the […]
I take my first sip of fresh-brewed coffee and sit down in front of my computer for my 15 minutes of morning social media updating. Blog reader. Let’s see what […]
Your website is not a business strategy!
The theme for the blog this week is “strategy” and the first thing I needed to do is turn the microscope on myself. It’s ugly. I have not been following […]
Two weeks ago I named GE as one of the Top 5 B2B superstars utilizing social media marketing strategies. Yesterdays’ announcement on a new R&D Center in Michigan and 1,200 […]
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