Timeless customer service lessons from an epic Marriott fail
A customer service system meltdon created an epic Marriott Fail. Here is a lesson on what should have happened and change needed at the hotel chain.
A customer service system meltdon created an epic Marriott Fail. Here is a lesson on what should have happened and change needed at the hotel chain.
The best SEO book was never meant to be a book about SEO. But an underlying philosophy points to the truth of our digital world today.
I had a chance to support a friend but chose to be true to myself and my audience. Am I a friend or am I a brand? What would you choose?
Inbound marketing costs go up over time, not down, as some advocates claim. Increased content competition makes inbound marketing more challenging.
Not all content is created equal. Consider the Content Marketing Hierarchy of Needs and think about how you can make it work for your business
Traveling to 65 countries has provided a unique business and life perspective. This blog post takes you along on some of the adventures.
Many critics are howling about problems with influencer marketing. It’s the right time to ask this question: Will influencer marketing last?
The author describes how shocking it is that many marketing departments are stuck. He explains the four reasons why and issues a call to action for change.
In the past two weeks I’ve been hacked, scammed and impersonated. Now facebook stole my blog’s name. Time to fight back folks!
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