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With a spicy blend of good fun and powerful insight, The Marketing Companion has been the world’s most entertaining business podcast for more nearly a decade!
Mark Schaefer is a globally-recognized marketing author, futurist, college educator, consultant, and keynote speaker. Every other week, Mark brings one of his “marketing companions” alongside him to do a deep dive into the trends of today that forge the marketing innovations of tomorrow.
The Marketing Companion –among the top 1 percent of all podcasts on iTunes — is always fun, always interesting, and always on-target with insights and ideas that will turn up your marketing intellect to an “11.” Find a topic in the guide below or push one of the subscribe buttons to get episodes delivered free to your email account every other week.
In this AI-driven world, the pace of change migfht be more profound than the change itself. In this discussion, Mark Schaefer and Jay Acunzo reveal their ideas on how to keep ahead of the marketing learning curve.
Many people have been working on their brands for many years. And for many, it’s time for a change. Mark Schaefer and Amanda Russell explore the personal branding pivot.
New research shows that 27% of adults are using AI platforms for traditional search functions. I am getting about a dozen direct inquiries on my site from ChatGPT, and I’ve […]
Endless, repetitive AI content is creating a pandemic of dull. Our only hope is the genuine hope and emotional meaning that comes from the human spirit.
NotebookLM has captured the imaginations of an overwhelmed tech community. But it’s more than capturing notes and wading through documents. Mark Schaefer asks it to give it an audio review of his new book, with mind-bending results.