Reflecting on the most rewarding marketing experience of my life
Each year, a small group of marketing leaders gather at a beautiful lodge in the woods to think big thoughts about the future of marketing. Our aim is to help […]
Continue the inspirational journey of KNOWN with new case studies, ideas, and tips from author Mark W. Schaefer.
Each year, a small group of marketing leaders gather at a beautiful lodge in the woods to think big thoughts about the future of marketing. Our aim is to help […]
The “whole self” movement is creating a lot of conversation and consternation in the workplace. Mark Schaefer and Keith Jennings examine this trend and explain how this is important to marketers.
A concise explanation of marketing for the arts. It’s time to think beyond social media.
A 2009 blog post with marketing predictions about the future turned out to be an interesting little gem.
The five biggest mistakes I’ve made as an entrepreneur range from a lack of discipline to complacency in a crisis.
Mark Schaefer and Jay Acunzo disagree on the AI threat to creativity. Will new AI applications simply boost our creative output or erode our audiences and ability to monetize?
Curated content is particularly relevant in a fast-changing and chaotic world. Why is this overlooked as a content marketing strategy?
I’ve had the most amazing career. For example, I’ve … Published ten books that people love. Graduated with two master’s degrees Earned seven patents Worked with amazing companies like Dell, […]
Community-based marketing has massive potential but requires a new leadership mindset.
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