The ultimate copywriting challenge
Naming a two-year book project in two words turned out to be the copywriting challenge of a lifetime.
Naming a two-year book project in two words turned out to be the copywriting challenge of a lifetime.
It’s true. I was a human antenna. And so my love-hate relationship with TV began, and a parable for successful content marketing in the crowded wold of today.
This marketing manifesto summarizes key points in a human-centered approach to marketing.
The Best a Man Can Get ads are creating controversy for Gillette but there is strong marketing rationale behind the project. Meaning matters.
The Marketing Rebellion is here, ushered in by a new book from Mark Schaefer. How do you succeed in an ad-free, loyalty-free, funnel-free world?
The exploding amount of content competition doesn’t have to be intimidating. You just need to know how to use content shock for your business advantage.
It’s hard to stand up to hate on the internet. The author has tried and failed and provides some introspection on what he might do better next time.
The idea that marketing must become more human seems trite at this point. But 2019 will be the most human year because the customers are demanding it.
By Mark Schaefer Hard to believe but I am nearing the end of my tenth year of blogging and one of my traditions is to summarize my most popular posts […]
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