Big blog posts that made a difference

I’m frequently asked by new readers if there is some way to catch up with the best content on my blog. Well, hopefully it’s ALL good to somebody, but each year I look back and review the blog posts that seemed to make the biggest impact. Let’s start with the blog posts that you loved.  Based on page views alone, here are the most popular posts of 2012:

Top 2012 posts by page views:

10. The Six Elements of Human Behavior that Drive Social Media — A fascinating look at the basics behind the phenomenon.

9. Florida State University Using Klout Scores to Determine Student Grades — This piece by Professor Todd Bacile ignited beyond the social web, drawing commentary in the traditional media and educator conferences.

8. Six Ways to Create Great Content in Just 15 Minutes a Day — We’re all starved for time. This post shows you how to get a little more of your day.

7. This is why you must use Twitter — In this post I show how Twitter can change your life.

6. 35 Experts weigh-in: How to create influence on Facebook — Great insights with a little help from my friends.

5. Three Careers That will Dominate Social Media (And it’s not What You Think) — I stepped out on a limb with this post but most people seemed to agree with my projections.

4. Pinterest Drives Enormous Blog and Business and Success — This was one of the first Pinterest business case studies on the web.

3. Why Facebook Will Be the Most Dangerous Company on Earth — I speculated why the Facebook IPO would signal disturbing changes at the world’s most popular social networking site.

2. Why Google+ Needs to be Jay-Z— A cool headline and a success recipe for Google+ rang true with {grow} readers.

top twitter bios

1) 20 of the World’s Wittiest Twitter Bios — Humor works! I’ve created four posts in this popular series, with another one on the way soon!

15 Posts that moved the conversation

Here are posts that I’m proud of because I think they moved the conversation forward in the last year. They may not have been the most popular, but each one took a risk:

15. The Social Media Measurement Smackdown — It was time for a rant and the comment section blew up!

14. This is Why You’re Not Seth Godin — Sometimes roles models are not the ones to emulate.

13. The Profound Power of Five Blog Readers — Short but powerful testimony for tenacity!

12. Wisdom from the Most Influential PR Professional of the Century — I got to meet Harold Burson. ‘Nuff said.

11. 7 Reasons Every Job-Seeker Needs to Blog– I send this post out to some young person at least once a week. I hope it has helped!

10. Five ways the Mobile Revolution Impacts Your Blog — A new way of looking at mobile and it’s not all positive.

9. Social Proof and Your Battle for Credibility — Exploring one of the most controversial issues on the social web today.

8. The Business Case for Buying Facebook Likes — It’s icky, but let’s talk about it.

7. Six Factors that turn social media strategy into results — This post seemed to help a lot of people.

6. We are All Standing on Digital Quicksand — I love bringing tech-humanity issues together. Great discussion on this post.

5. Why Social Media Strategy Should NOT start with a drive for Facebook Fans — Injecting common sense through the hype!

4. Three amazing ways social media will change the world — A post filled with hope.

3. How the physics of social media could kill your marketing strategy — A simple but important lesson about what we’re up against.

2. Your 2013 Social Media Strategy: Grow a Pair — One of my riskier posts but it seemed to strike a chord with readers.

1. Is there anything new in blogging? No. — This post ignited a firestorm of commentary, counter-commentary and alternate posts.

Funniest posts:

Humor is a big part of {grow}.  Here are a few that made people laugh!

5. What Proctology Exams Teach Us Aabout Social Media — A genius post by Chris Reimer that pokes fun at a social media trend.

4. Punterest. Kind of Like Pins Only FunnierA totally whacked-out post!

3. 210 Seconds of Fame — I was on National television. A lesson in pure terror.

2. The Secret History of Pinterest — Revealed! — A tongue-in-cheek-post poking fun at the “visualization” of social media!

1. The World’s First Social Media Sniglets — There’s a first for everything. An assist by Kerry Gorgone for the funniest graphic ever!

Five favorite Guest Posts of 2012

I encourage guest posts from community members and we had posts from nearly 50 different perspectives this year. Here are five that really stood out to me:

Social Media Levels the Playing Field — One of the best things of 2012 was meeting Anne Reuss and this was my first guest post done in American Sign Language. It was also my most-viewed video blog of 2012.

Straight Talk on Social Media GurusStanford Smith rocks. He just does. Stan has been a regular contributor and had so many great posts this year.

Social Media Good Samaritan Donates Tweets to Save Business — I wish this post by Pavel Konoplenko would have gone viral because it is such a sweet story depicting social media at its best.

Is There a Formula for Going Viral?Srini Rao has been effectively riffing on this theme all year: Cutting through the clutter in a human and authentic way. This was one of his best efforts.

Four ways to be a spell-binding online personalityMars Dorian rocked {grow} with his provocative writing and mind-bending art. Don’t miss this example of Mars at his best.

The post that had the biggest IMPACT

The kid who wanted a door for Christmas — It didn’t have the most shares, page views, or comments, but it did show the {grow} community at its best because it raised nearly $6,000 for a great cause and touched a lot of hearts.

The {growtoon} Nation

And we couldn’t end the year without a nod to the {growtoon}-ists!  Didn’t they do a GREAT JOB in 2012?  A great reason to look forward to Fridays.  Selecting my favorite {growtoon} was VERY difficult. They all still make me chuckle. But this one by the hilarious Joey Strawn made me laugh out loud and represents a lot of clients I think!

Well, after nearly 300 blog posts, 10,000 comments and a ton of fun, that wraps up the highlights for 2012. Thank you very much for reading and sharing my blog. I never take you for granted!

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