Authorship and the Invisible Blogger: Are you writing yourself out of success?


By Mark Schaefer

My friend and podcast co-host Tom Webster recently penned a really honest and thought-provoking post called “Authorship.”

In the post, Tom laments that the more he guest posts and syndicates his writing, the less relevant he may become. I know that sounds counter-intuitive but he makes some good points.

The web cares about CONTENT, not necessarily authors, and Tom postulates that in our frenzy to write and distibrute content, we may be creating more and more work only to become less and less visible.

Are you getting lost in the ether of the blogosphere? Are we writing content that benefits others while our own authorship gets buried?

It is a very different conversation from what you usually see on the web and we thought this topic would make an extraordinary podcast … which it did. We cover a lot of ground, including:

  • Should you find your audience, or let your audience find you?
  • What is the benefit of syndicating your content? Statistically, it may not make sense!
  • Is the age of the independent blogger over? Has the paradigm shifted?
  • Where are the new voices in the field? Are there any?
  • Can a solo blogger compete with corporate sites?
  • What is the true ROI of “exposure?” What is the risk of over-exposure?

You’re probably half-crazed by now waiting to hear this podcast so let’s have no further delay:

Or click here for episode 25 of The Marketing Companion

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Resources mentioned in this podcast:

Gini Dietrich’s post on the end of the independent blogger

70 Rising Social Media Stars

Blogging platform Medium

Twister (analog version)

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